The Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) provides a wide variety of custom reports that have been created to help your agency maintain accurate data in HMIS. Many of these reports are not project-specific and can be used interchangeably between projects. Some reports in the ARTs catalog might specify a particular provider, but keep in mind it possibly could work for your program also.
Below is a list of ART reports and a brief description of the function of there functions.
- Active Bed Inventories 2019-07-16
- Annual Assessments 2019-01-02
- Check Most Recent Service - Drop-In Centers
- ESTH_ChronicHomelessQuestions
- Past Client List 2019-07-16
- Users at My Agency 2019-06-04
- Enrolled but Not Housed in PH 2019-02-07
- SSVF Data Elements - v17 - 2015-07-21
- Clients Assessed by My Agency 2019-07-01
- DFSS Quarterly
Chicago CoC Reports (Secure) > Data Quality
Active Bed Inventories 2019-07-16
This report shows the active number of units, total beds. Could be useful to always maintain accurate knowledge of how many beds your agency might have available.
Annual Assessments 2019-01-02
This report shows which clients are due for/overdue for an annual assessment. Could be useful to make sure you have not missed a client’s annual assessment. This report also will tell you the window you have available to submit an annual assessment.
Check Most Recent Service - Drop-In Centers
This report shows the most recent shelter stay per provider selected, as well as show the length of time the client has been away from the project. Could be useful to recognize the most recent stay a client had at the shelter if client is being looked for by another provider, this report could also help understand if a trend has formed with a returning client.
This report will show you the chronic homeless status for all clients in the provider selected. This is useful because it gives you a quick look at all “reported” chronic homeless clients in your program.
Chicago CoC Reports (Secure) > General
Past Client List 2019-07-16
This is a very useful report that shows almost every detail on a closed client. This report shows all basic demographics, veteran status, living situation at entry/exit as well as income at entry/exit. This report is very useful for providing full details on a closed client from the time of entry to exit.
Users at My Agency 2019-06-04
This report shows all HMIS users at your agency. This report might be good for ATA’s to see the last time users logged in to Service Point.
Chicago CoC Reports (Secure) > Housing
Enrolled but Not Housed in PH 2019-02-07
This report will show all clients in every HUD program within your agency that has not been housed if ran by “parent” provider. This will be useful to be able to see a quick glimpse of all clients at your agency without a Move-In date in HMIS.
Chicago CoC Reports (Secure) > SSVF
SSVF Data Elements - v17 - 2015-07-21
This report is very useful for any agency with an SSVF program. This reports on data accuracy elements and service base things. Data accuracy elements such as SS#, missing vet data, and households with no vets. Service-based things such as most recent interim reviews and service transactions per client. This is very useful because it gives you a complete snapshot of the status of all clients in your program especially when it comes to services given to the client.
Chicago CoC Reports (Secure) > CES
Clients Assessed by My Agency 2019-07-01
This report is good to keep track of all the clients your agency has assessed for the one list, it also breaks it down by user who created the assessment.
DFSS > DFSS Quarterly > Client Detail Reports
- DFSS Carryover Report Details DO NOT SUBMIT v20190801
- DFSS Performance Outcomes Details DO NOT SUBMIT v20190814
- DFSS Quarterly Report Details DO NOT SUBMIT v20190703
*Details regarding DFSS Quarterly reports can be found by clicking the link above