EVA is a web-based tool that can help you assess the accuracy and completeness of data collected by your projects within HMIS. The tool is maintained by HUD/ABT Associates and is based on the most recent HUD Data Standards. Providers can generate a Hashed CSV file from HMIS, which can be directly uploaded to the EVA site. A “hashed” file means the personal identifiers are obscured when the file is generated in HMIS. EVA will then review the data for any inaccuracies, and providers will receive a full list of any errors found.
Generating Hashed CSV In HMIS:
In the Navigation Panel on the left side of the screen, you will need to click on Reports. This will display the Reports Dashboard; which includes vendor-built reports and exports. At the bottom of this page under Custom Reports, click Hashed HMIS CSV.
To begin the Export, click Start New Export
Under Export Options, you can select the parameters for the report including Data Type, Project(s), and Time Range. In most cases, the Data Type should always be HUD, unless the Entry/Exit enrollment type is not HUD. Once parameters are set click Run Export.
Uploading Hashed CSV to EVA:
From the EVA Home Page, you can access the upload function by clicking "Get Started" or "Upload HMIS CSV Export" on the navigation panels on the left side of the screen.
Now you can click Browse to select the Hashed CSV filed download from HMIS.
In the bottom right corner, you can see a process bar showing the status of the file being uploaded.
Once the file has been uploaded successfully you can now navigate to Assess Data Quality. From there you can choose to look at data via the System Level or Organization Level, although both will show essentially the same information if this is being generated at an agency level.
From the System Level Data Quality screen you can see an overview of data point errors present in the data sorted by Priority. To view the detailed data points underlying the charts, Download the report. This will allow you to view the client-level details needed to correct any present errors.
Reviewing Downloaded EVA File
The file downloaded from EVA will be labeled as "Full Data Quality Report" and can be reviewed in Excel. Tabs located in the report can vary depending on the errors present in the data. The "Guidance" tab will always be present and will provide information on the issue/error being reported. Referring to this tab as you review the errors can help with making these corrections in HMIS.