The Household and Client Location report located in BusinessObjects is designed to assist in identifying errors related to households and the client location assessment question. The Client Location assessment question is a mandatory HUD question that needs to be completed for the Head of Household during enrollment. The Client Location for this COC is IL-510
For the purpose of correcting errors found on the LSA, please generate the report using the Provider (project ID) located in the email. The date ranges for the report should be 10/1/2022 - 11/1/2023. For any questions please /submit a ticket to
Please refer to our Relationship to Head of Household guide for information related to the household setup.
Generating the Report
The Household and Client Location report is located in the Audit Reports folder of BusinessObjects. Below you will find the address to the report and a screenshot of the location.
Public Folders/chicago_live_folder/Chicago CoC Reports (Secure)/Audit Reports/
After clicking on the report, you will need to complete 3 prompts; Project ID, Start Date, and End Date.
- Enter Project ID: - This is where you will select the project you want to generate the report. (For LSA purposes, please use the project provided in the email)
- Start Date: - The start date of the reporting period. (For LSA purposes, the start date should be 10/1/2022)
- End Date: - The date immediately following the end date of the desired reporting period. (For LSA purposes, the end date should be 11/1/2023)
Once the prompt fields have been completed, click run.
Interpreting the Report
Tab A – No HoH in Group
Data on this tab provides information about groups of clients missing a Head of Household
designated as “Self”. Only clients with missing data are displayed.
• Entry-Exit Group UID: This column provides the Entry-Exit Group UID.
• Entry-Exit Provider Id: This column provides the Entry-Exit Provider Id.
• Client Id: This column provides the Client Id.
• EE Entry Date: This column provides the Entry Date.
• EE Exit Date: This column providers the Exit Date.
• Relationship to HoH: This column provides the response to Relationship to Head of Household.
• Client Location: This column provides the Client Location.
Correcting Error
Households can be identified by the Entry-Exit Group UID. All clients in the same household will share the same Entry-Exit Group UID. Within the household, a client needs to be a Relationship to HOH set to "Self". This question can be found in the clients entry assessment.
Single clients that appear on the list (1 client associated with the Entry-Exit Group UID) has a relationship other than "Self". Changing the relationship to "Self" should correct the error
Entry-Exit Group UID with multiple household members, a relationship of self will need to be selected for one of the household members only.
Single clients that appear on the list (1 client associated with the Entry-Exit Group UID) might also have a duplicate enrollment into the project. Check to see if the client record contains two identical enrollments.
Tab B – Groups Multiple HOH
Data on this tab provides information about groups of clients where more than one client is
designated as “Self” for Relationship to Head of Household. Only clients with missing data are
• Entry-Exit Group UID: This column provides the Entry-Exit Group UID.
• Entry-Exit Provider Id: This column provides the Entry-Exit Provider Id.
• Client Id: This column provides the Client Id.
• EE Entry Date: This column provides the Entry Date.
• EE Exit Date: This column providers the Exit Date.
• Relationship to HoH: This column provides the response to Relationship to Head of Household.
• Client Location: This column provides the Client Location.
Correcting Error
Households can be identified by the Entry-Exit Group UID. All clients in the same household will share the same Entry-Exit Group UID. Within the household, only one client should have a Relationship to HOH set to "Self". This question can be found in the clients entry assessment.
Entry-Exit Group UID with multiple household members, a relationship of "Self" is selected for more than one of the household members. You will need to select a different relationship for one of the members.
Tab C – No Response HoH
Data on this tab provides information about clients with no recorded Relationship to Head of
• Entry-Exit Group UID: This column provides the Entry-Exit Group UID.
• Entry-Exit Provider Id: This column provides the Entry-Exit Provider Id.
• Entry-Exit Uid: This column provides the Entry-Exit Uid.
• Client Id: This column provides the Client Id.
• EE Entry Date: This column provides the Entry Date.
• EE Exit Date: This column providers the Exit Date.
• Relationship to HoH: This column provides the response to Relationship to Head of Household.
• Client Location: This column provides the Client Location.
Correcting Error
All clients located on this tab are missing a Relationship to Head of Household. Every member in a household should have an answer selected that matches their relationship to the head of the household. Keep in mind, within the household, only one client should have a Relationship to HOH set to "Self". This question can be found in the client's entry assessment.
Tab D – Missing Client Location
Data on this tab provides information about groups of clients where Client Location is missing.
Clients with “Self” or null Relationship to Head of Household will display if the Client Location is
missing. Once Relationship to Head of Household is properly recorded, “Missing” will no longer
display for non-head of households.
• Entry-Exit Group UID: This column provides the Entry-Exit Group UID.
• Entry-Exit Provider Id: This column provides the Entry-Exit Provider Id.
• Entry-Exit Uid: This column provides the Entry-Exit Uid.
• Client Id: This column provides the Client Id.
• EE Entry Date: This column provides the Entry Date.
• EE Exit Date: This column providers the Exit Date.
• Relationship to HoH: This column provides the response to Relationship to Head of Household.
• Client Location: This column provides the Client Location.
Correcting Error
All clients located on this tab are missing a Client Location. This question is only required for the Head of Household. The COC code that should be selected is IL-510. Once added the client will be removed from the list.
For any questions, please submit a ticket to