This article will cover the HMIS enrollment workflow for the Accelerated Moving Even process. This article will start at the point of enrolling the client. For steps prior to enrollment, please see our help desk article on Creating a Client Record and Documenting the Release of Information.
AME Entry Assessment
To access the AME Entry assessment, first, navigate to the client's Entry / Exit Tab.
From there you will click Add Entry / Exit.
Next, you will be presented with a pop-up screen that would allow you to include additional household members, select the appropriate RRH CARES project, and the project start date.
Selecting additional household members can be done by clicking the box next to the household member that should be included in the enrollment.
The project Type should be HUD.
Once, completed, click Save & Continue.
The next screen will default to the HUD CoC & ESG Entry All Other Projects (2022 Chicago) assessment. This assessment should be completed when enrolling the client. For information on how to complete Sub-assessment Questions (Income, Non-cash, Insurance, and Disability) within the HUD Entry assessment and how to complete the Current Living Situation question, please see our helpdesk articles.
Once the HUD CoC & ESG Entry All Other Projects (2022 Chicago) assessment is completed, you will need to complete the AME Entry Assessment (2022 Chicago).
To access the AME Entry Assessment, you will want to locate the Select an Assessment section towards the top of the page. Once located you will need to click on the AME Entry Assessment (2022 Chicago) assessment (this might require using the scroll bar on the right-hand side to view all available assessments). From here the assessment should change from the HUD CoC & ESG Entry All Other Projects (2022 Chicago) assessment to the AME Entry Assessment (2022 Chicago) assessment.
The AME Entry assessment is compiled of 10 questions, which should be completed at the time of the AME.
- Date of AME - The date the AME was completed for the client
- This question is a required field in the assessment which means it has to be completed for the assessment to save.
- AME Location - Where the AME was held
- AME Source - The origins of the client's referral to AME
- Shelter
- CE (Coordinated Entry)
- Outreach
- Day Center
- This question is a required field in the assessment which means it has to be completed for the assessment to save.
- Client Contact Information - Client email and phone number
- Preferred Method of Contact - Email or Phone
- Alternative Contact Information - An alternative person that can help connect with the client
Once the AME-specific questions and the client Contact/ Alternative Contact has been completed, click Save & Exit.
For remaining instruction on completing the Rapid ReHousing aspect of the enrollment please see our helpdesk article Rapid Re-Housing ESG Specific Workflow.