If you are checking families or multi-person households into your ShelterPoint list, it is critical to enter the clients with the other members of their household.
For visual reference, please view our quick ShelterPoint snippet on how to check in a multi-person household.
First, you will need to ensure two things:
- The clients in question should already be attached to each other in a household prior to an entry assessment or being checked into ShelterPoint
- The clients should already have an entry assessment started, if not already completed
You can either do the following to check in a client. From the ShelterPoint Dashboard, you can either select "Check Client In" or "View All".
"Check Client In" will only show you unoccupied units, and "View All" will show you occupied and unoccupied units.
Shelter Inventory Information
To begin to check the client in, select either the check in icon to the left of the "Date In" column or click on "EMPTY".
This will take you to a client search page. Simply search and select your client using the green plus icon.
After selecting the client, you will be at the Unit Entry Data page.
At the top, you are allowed to back date the "Date In" field.
By clicking on "Assign Unit", you will also be able to change that client's assigned unit if desired.
Before moving on, however, you will need to address the client's Household Members.
Here, the client is part of two households. However, in our example, we are serving both the woman and child (Peggy and Bobby).
You will need to assign a unit for Bobby as well by checking the box next to his name, and clicking "Assign Unit". This will open up a Unit List selection screen where you can designate which bed is to be used.
Select the appropriate bed, and click "Select".
After doing so, you should now see a unit name next to the other household members account.
Once you ensure all household members have a checked box and a unit assigned to them, you can click "Save and Exit".
Making sure your work is right
Any households with more than one household should have a group ID.