Accessing the Utilization Audit Report
The Utilization Report is a self-service report accessible within BusinessObject (formerly ART) by Agency Technical Administrators.
The Report is called Utilization Report -04-22-24. For those with BusinessObjects licenses, follow these steps:
- Log in to ServicePoint, and navigate to the BusinessObjects section in either of the following ways:
- Reports > Under Custom Reports, then click on BusinessObjects
- In the top right corner of the screen, click Connect to BusinessObjects
- Within the BusinessObjects Browser:
- Navigate to Public Folder > chicago_live_folder >Chicago Coc Reports (Secure) > Audit Reports >Utilization Report
Running the Utilization Report
Once the report has been located, click on the Utilization report. Once the report loads a prompt screen will appear. Please ensure that all prompts are completed with the provided dates to ensure that data is being pulled accurately.
Two prompts will need to be completed:
- Select Provider: - Select the project you want to run the report for.
- Enter PIT Date Plus 1 Day: - The user should type in, or select from the calendar, the day
immediately following the day of the PIT count. This date will be 1/26/2024
Once all prompts have been completed click "Run"
For more instructions on running reports please see our helpdesk article here.
Interpreting the Report
Utilization Overview
This tab contains three tables that document the Unit/Bed availability and Occupancy on a given point in time date.
Bed Utilization - This table will represent the total available Beds for the project selected. If the project has more than 1 available inventory (Singles, Families, Child-Only) then this section will show the cumulative total of what is available. In this section, you will also the Number Enrolled this is the total Client Count (unique HMIS ID). This total is based on clients enrolled in the project as of the Point In time Date. From the total Beds and total enrollments, you will be able to see the utilization rate for Beds on the Point In time Date.
(PH - Client enrollments must contain a Housing Move-In Date as of the PIT date to be included in this report)
Room/Unit Utilization - This table will represent the total available Units for the project selected. If the project has more than 1 available inventory (Singles, Families, Child-Only) then this section will show the cumulative total of what is available. In this section, you will also the Number of Households Enrolled this is the total Household Count (unique Group ID). This total is based on clients enrolled in the project as of the Point In time Date. From the total Units and total enrollments, you will be able to see the utilization rate for Units on the Point In time Date.
Inventory Table - This table will show all available inventories as set in HMIS. Projects can have more than 1 inventory available due to Household types (Singles, Families, Child-Only). Projects should review these inventories to ensure they match the client population that is being served by the project.
- Project Type - This Identifies the HUD project type selected for the project.
- Bed and Unit Inventory Name - The name given to the Inventory. Often used to separate inventories based on Household type.
- Bed and Unit Inventory Availability - Identifies if this inventory is Year Round, Seasonal, or Overflow
- Bed and Unit Inventory Unit Inventory - Total Beds for Inventory
- Bed and Unit Inventory Bed Inventory - Total Units for Inventory
- Bed and Unit Inventory Bed Type - Identifies if this inventory is Facility Based or Voucher
- Bed and Unit Inventory Household Type - The type of households that will be served by this inventory. This should match the client that the project is serving.
- Bed and Unit Inventory Inventory Start Date - The date the Inventory Started
- Bed and Unit Inventory Inventory End Date - The date the Inventory Ended
Client Details
This tab will show all active clients as of the Point In Time Date no matter if they are included in the cumulative totals Overview tab. For PH projects, clients that are not included will still show on this tab but will be highlighted in RED.
Client ID - Unique ID assigned to each client
Group ID - This column will represent Households that enrolled together. Households without matching group IDs will need to update the enrollment to include all members.
First Name - Client's first name
Last Name - Client's last name
Provider Id - Project the client is enrolled in. This will show based on the Provider selected in the report prompt.
Project Type - This Identifies the HUD project type selected for the project.
Entry Date - The date the client enrolled in the project
Exit Date - The date the client exited the project
Housing Move-in Date - The date the client was housed.
(PH - Client enrollments must contain a Housing Move-In Date as of the PIT date to be included in this report)
Please open a ticket with the Help Desk if there are any questions regarding the report or troubleshooting data corrections.