- Process Overview
- Accessing the Point In Time Report
- Running the Sheltered Point-In-Time Report
- Interpreting the Report
- Report Specifications
Process Overview
Any agencies that operate the following project types are requested to participate in the Point in Time process:
- Emergency Shelter - Night by Night
- Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit
- Transitional Housing
- Safe Haven (project type, not agency)
Objectives and Data Entry Expectations:
Ensure that your Enrollment Entry/Exit data (Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit, Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven) or ShelterPoint unit lists (Emergency Shelter - Night by Night) reflect the number of clients that are currently enrolled in your project. Please do the following:
- Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit, Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven
- Entry/Exit - Enrollment Data
- Review the clients currently enrolled in your project
- Ensure demographic data is complete in the client's Entry Assessment
- Entry/Exit - Enrollment Data
- Emergency Shelter - Night By Night
- Shelterpoint Unit List & Entry/Exit - Enrollment Data
- Review the clients currently checked into your ShelterPoint unit list
- Review the clients currently enrolled in your project
- Verify All Clients ENROLLED in your project and OCCUPYING a bed are added to ShelterPoint
- Ensure demographic data is complete in the client's Entry Assessment
- Shelterpoint Unit List & Entry/Exit - Enrollment Data
For more instructions on reviewing your project data, please see the Reviewing the Report section below.
Accessing the Point In Time Report
The Point In Time Report is a self-service report accessible within BusinessObject by users with a reporting license tied to their accounts.
The Point In Time Report is called Sheltered Point in Time 2024. For those with BusinessObjects licenses, follow these steps:
- Log in to ServicePoint, and navigate to the BusinessObject section in either of the following ways:
- Reports > Under Custom Reports, then click on BusinessObject
- In the top right corner of the screen, click Connect to BusinessObject
- Within the BusinessObject Browser:
- Navigate to Public Folder > chicago_live_folder >Chicago Coc Reports (Secure) > Audit Reports >Point In Time Count > Sheltered Point in Time 2024
Running the Sheltered Point In Time Report
Once the report has been located, click on the Sheltered Point in Time 2024 report. Once the report loads a prompt screen will appear. Please ensure that all prompts are completed with the provided dates to ensure that data is being pulled accurately.
There are 4 prompts that will need to be completed:
- Select Provider(s): - Select the project or projects that were included in the PIT from your agency.
- Enter PIT Date Plus 1 Day: - The user should type in, or select from the calendar, the day
immediately following the day of the PIT count. This date will be 1/26/2024 - Enter PIT Date: - The user should type in, or select from the calendar, the day of the PIT count. This date will be 1/25/2024
- Enter PIT Date Minus 1 Day: - The user should type in, or select from the calendar, the day
immediately preceding the day of the PIT count. This date will be 1/24/2024
To review project data before the count you can select any date to use as the PIT Date.
Once all prompts have been completed click "Run"
For more instructions on running reports please see our helpdesk article here.
Interpreting the Report
Client Detail
This tab contains unduplicated Sheltered PIT details of clients captured on a single date.
Column Explanations:
- Group ID: This column provides a common HH group for all members of a household. If the client is single the HH Group will begin with EE.
- Client ID: The column header counts all Client IDs in the report range. The cells are merged, which means multiple rows of data for a client will only display one Client ID.
- First Name: This column provides the Client First Name
- Last Name: This column provides the Client Last Name
- Enrollment/Shelter Start Date: This column provides the start date for the service or entry/exit. When more than one start date exists, the report pulls in the data from the latest episode.
- Enrollment/Shelter Exit Date: This column provides the Exit date for the service or entry/exit tied to the record.
- Relationship to Head of Household: This column provides the Head of Household Status for each client.
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Date of Birth: This column provides the client's Date of Birth
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Age: This column provides the client Age as of the PIT date selected. This is based on the client Date of Birth and the PIT date selected.
- Gender: This column provides the Gender of the client as of the date of the PIT count
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Race and Ethnicity: This column provides the Race and Ethnicity of the client as of the date of the PIT.
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Disabling Condition: This column provides the disability status of the client as of the PIT date.
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Veteran: This column provides the veteran status of the client as of the date of the PIT count
- This question can be located in the Client Profile
- Domestic Violence Survivor: This column indicates whether the client is reported as a victim of domestic violence as of the date of the PIT count
- This question can be located in the client enrollment assessment
- Provider: This column provides the name of the provider of the service or entry/exit
- Project Type: This column provides the type of project involved – Emergency Shelter Entry/Exit, Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven.
Reviewing the Report:
When reviewing the report providers can use the Client Details tab to identify clients that are missing from the report and also clients that are being counted that should not. You can identify where client data is being pulled from based on the project type in the last column. Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night project data will be pulled from the Shelterpoint list (client counted will also need to have a completed Entry/Exit enrollment) where the remaining project types involved will be pulled solely from the Entry/Exit enrollments.
Providers can utilize the Group ID number in column A to identify households that should be grouped. Clients that are enrolled together correctly in HMIS will all have identical ID numbers. If a client has a different group ID number than the other household members they are grouped with then this is an indication that the client is not tied to the enrollment.
In the client Entry/Exit tab you can identify how many clients are tied to an enrollment by looking at the magnifying glass in the client count column of the enrollment row.
By going to the pencil of the project enrollment start, you can add Household members to the existing enrollments by clicking "Included Additional Household Members". This should be done for all clients identified where the group ID does not match the other household members.
All clients that are intended to be counted must have values entered for Relationship to HOH, Date of Birth, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Disabling Condition, Veteran Status, and DV Survivor. The client identified in the report with a "null" will need to be completed. This can be done by adding the value to the client enrollment assessment.
Disability Detail
This tab contains information about the recorded disabilities as displayed in the Subpopulations
Column Explanations:
- Client ID: The column header counts all Client IDs in the report range. The cells are merged, which means multiple rows of data for a client will only display one Client ID.
- First Name: This column provides the Client First Name
- Last Name: This column provides the Client Last Name
- Disability Y/N: This column provides the disability status of the client as of the PIT date per the Assessment Question “Does Client Have Disabling Condition”
- Disability: This column provides the disability type of the client as of the date of the PIT count from the Disability Sub-Assessment
- Long or Indefinite Duration: This column provides the value to “If Yes, expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impairs the ability to live independently” within the Disability Sub-Assessment for each disability listed. Long Duration is not required for the sub-population count for clients with HIV/AIDS or Developmental Disability
- Disability Start: This column provides the start date of the disability
- Disability End: This column provides the end date of the disability
- Project Type: This column provides the type of project involved – Emergency Shelter Entry/Exit, Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven.
Report Specifications
1) De-duplication: This report de-duplicates client counts using the Client Unique ID. Household counts are de-duplicated using the HH Group number.
2) Inclusion: The client location for each Head of Household must match the CoC Code of each individual provider selected when using the Provider prompt. For a client/household to be included in the PIT count in this report, the client must have been served on count day as evidenced by one or more of the following:
- An Emergency Shelter will count as follows:
- There must be a valid Entry-Exit and Shelter Services with AIRS taxonomy codes within a range from BH-1800 to BH-1800.900 and with a start date on or before count day and an end date that was after count day or null then the client will count if there is a valid transaction on the night of the count
- Enrollment in a specified Transitional Housing, or Safe Haven type project with an entry date on or before count day and an exit date that was after count day or null.
- A recorded need with the “Outcome of Need” set to “Not Met”
Please open a ticket with the Help Desk if there are any questions regarding the report or troubleshooting data corrections.