This article will cover enrolling a client into an SSVF Rapid Rehousing and/or Prevention project.
SSVF Assessment
When entering a client into any SSVF project (Rapid or Prevention) identify the provider-specific project.
All SSVF projects are under Type: VA
To continue to the assessment click Save & Continue
*Two important questions that must be answered are VAMC Station Number and Client Location
The VAMC Station Numbers most commonly used will be :
(537) Jesse Brown VAMC (Chicago), IL
(578) Hines, IL
Client Location for Chicago is IL-510
Veteran Information questions must be answered for the Head of Household (HoH) Veteran
The answers to these questions should reflect the documentation received from the veteran; such as DD214, 1010, or Squares. Dates of service should be as accurate as possible.
Prevention Only Questions
These questions must be completed along with the questions that were answered for Rapid Re-Housing.
Completion of the VA Prevention Screening Tool must be done before completing the assessment (links below will direct you to the website)
- Prevention Screening Tool Companion Guide (Contains information regarding the tool and its function)
- Prevention Screening Tool
SSVF HP Targeting Criteria questions are necessary to qualify a client for enrollment into the Prevention program. This information should be an exact copy of the answers reflected on the Prevention Screening Tool.
HP Applicant total points - The key to scoring this assessment can be found in the Prevention Screening Tool (Provided by VA)
Grantee Targeting threshold score - Agreed upon score that Chicago Grantees say clients must meet to receive Prevention services
Interim Review
Interim reviews can be created at any time after the client has been entered into the project. The Update Assessment contains data elements that can be collected during multiple points of the client's enrollment. Interims should be created for general client updates, housing move-in updates, and 90-day reviews.
Interims can be created by clicking on Entry/Exit followed by clicking the icon under Interims for your project.
Housing Move-in Date
When creating the Interim for updating the client's move-in date, select Update: Housing Move-in Date for the Interim Review Type.
Followed by selecting the Review Date.
Next, Housing Status, Veteran's current Housing Type/Location, and Housing Move-in Date can now be completed via the VA SSVF Update assessment.
Update sub assessment information if changes have occurred during this time as well.
90day Review
When creating the Interim for completing the client's 90-day review, select SSVF 90 Day Review for the Interim Review Type.
Followed by selecting the 90-day Review Date.
Next, update all questions and sub assessments that are no longer accurate.
Service Transactions
All services given to the client will be documented in the Services Transactions.
You can get to Service Transactions by clicking Add Service from the Client Summary Tab or by clicking Add Service from the Service Transactions Tab.
Service Provider reflects the project the client is currently enrolled.
When selecting Service Type choose the best fit that matches the service given.
Next, complete the Service Notes within the service transaction.
The Service Notes section can be used to document anything that is necessary for that service.
This section MUST be filled out to ensure Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) is being properly recorded.
- Prevention Screening Tool Companion Guide:
- Prevention Screening Tool:
For further questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk or email the Help Desk at