This sub-assessment is found in the Coordinated Entry HUD Update Assessment. It is designed to capture events that have occured within the Coordinated Entry System for the client, along with results of those actions.
Besides documenting Problem Solving events by Housing Resource Specialists, this sub-assessment is mostly used by the CE Matching team.
The following describe in detail the different events that should be documented:
Access Events | |
Referral to a Prevention Assistance project | The client received a referral to a homelessness prevention assistance project; or other local equivalent project. |
Problem Solving/ Diversion/ Rapid Resolution intervention or service | The client participated in a diversion or rapid resolution problem –solving conversation and received assistance; or other local equivalent |
Referral to a scheduled Coordinated Entry Crisis Needs Assessment |
The client received a referral to a Coordinated Entry Crisis Needs Assessment; or other local equivalent assessment. |
Referral to a scheduled Coordinated Entry Housing Needs Assessment | The client received a referral to a Coordinated Entry Housing Needs Assessment; or other local equivalent assessment. |
Referral Events | |
Referral to postplacement/ follow-up case management |
The client received a referral to a post-placement service or follow-up case management; or other local equivalent. Post-placement/follow-up case management services are services provided to clients after they have exited a residential project. These types of services are not limited to any particular project type. |
Referral to a Street Outreach project or services | The client received a referral to a Street Outreach project or services, or other local equivalent referral. |
Referral to a Housing Navigation project or services |
The client received a referral to an SSO or other service only project or service for the purpose of receiving Housing Navigation services, or other local equivalent referral because a specific bed or unit in another project is not immediately available. Housing navigation services include assistance with identifying, preparing documentation for, or applying for appropriate housing, including subsidized and non-subsidized housing. |
Referral to Non-continuum services: Ineligible for continuum services |
The client received a referral to non-continuum services because they were ineligible for continuum services, or other local equivalent referral. Non-continuum services may include emergency assistance projects for those not at risk of or experiencing homelessness. |
Referral to Non-continuum services: No availability in continuum services | Eligible clients who could not be referred to continuum services because there is no availability in continuum services, or because client was eligible but was not prioritized for continuum services or other local equivalent referral. |
Referral to emergency assistance/flex fund/furniture assistance | The client was referred to a one-time, nominal financial assistance service to assist in securing or maintaining housing. |
A “referral” to the following indicates there is an opening for the client to be housed by this project (or local equivalent): | |
Referral to Emergency Shelter bed opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access an emergency shelter bed or opening. |
Referral to Transitional Housing bed/unit opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access a TH bed/unit opening. |
Referral to Joint TH-RRH project/unit/resource opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access a joint component project bed/unit opening. |
Referral to RRH project resource opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access a RRH bed/unit opening. |
Referral to PSH project resource opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access a PSH bed/unit opening. |
Referral to Other PH project/unit/resource opening | The client was provided with information regarding how to access an “other PH” bed/unit opening. |
Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher | The client was referred to a Housing Stability Voucher that is targeted to people experiencing homelessness funded through public housing agencies. |