The Past Client Report will provide a list of clients that were/are active in a project during a given time frame. This report will give you a list of clients, some demographics as well as some program information.
The report is located in the Public Folder>Chicago CoC Reports (Secure)>General Folder.
*To schedule this report, please see this article on scheduling ART reports.
Running the report
1. Click the Magnifying glass next to the report.
2. Click View Report.
3. Enter your project(s) by searching in the field highlighted below, then hit the binoculars to find it. When it pops up, click the arrow to move it from the left window over to the right.
4. Set the "Enter effective date" to either the current date or to a date in the future. If this isn't set, the report will not pull in any data entered into ServicePoint after this date.
5. Enter the "Start Date".
6. Enter the "End Date, Plus 1 Day". If you are looking for data up until 6/30, you'll put 7/1 in this space. This will ensure the report pulls in data up to 12 am on that day.
7. After entering your criteria, hit "Run Query" and wait for the report to generate.
After your report has generated, you can download your report into Excel to filter as you choose.
To save your report, click on the arrow next to "Document" in the upper left corner. From the drop down, choose "Save to my computer as" and then "Excel 2007".
For any other questions regarding the report or suggestions regarding this article, please contact the Help Desk by either filling out this form or emailing to create a ticket.