HUD has recently released the new 2020 Data Standards that will be going into effect October 1, 2019. The 2020 data standards were released at the end of May; and are first changes going into effect since 2017.
Below is a rough summary of how the new data standards will be affecting the system (some of the information below is subject to change). We will continue to share further details on the implementation of these changes.
- Change of Current Residence/Living Situation to Prior Living Situation
- Addition of new question: Current Living Situation
- Additional set of conditional logic questions that will appear depending on the answer:
- Those questions are:
- Is client going to have to leave their current living situation within 14 days?
- Has a subsequent residence been identified?
- Does individual or family have resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing?
- Has the client had a lease or ownership interest in a permanent housing unit in the last 60 days?
- Has the client moved 2 or more times in the last
60 days? - For a detailed walk-through and example, see the excerpt below.
- Wording Changes/Picklist Changes:
- Wording Revisions to Current Living Situation
- Wording Revisions to Prior Living Situation
- Wording Revisions to Exit Destination
- Added to Exit Destination:
- Host-Home (non-crisis)
- Rental by client with HCV voucher (tenant or project based)
- Rental by client in a public housing unit
- Project Information:
- HUD has added more funding source information to track
- Additional questions regarding dedicated units/beds for certain sub-populations:
- Beds dedicated to youth-veterans
- CH Veterans
- Other Veteran
- CH youth
- Any Other youth
- Any Other CH
Coordinated Entry (Set to go into effect in April 2020):
- Client Progress and Referral Outcomes
- These are elements that have been tracked with our current CES workflow, the addition of these data elements this year simply indicates that HUD will begin to look at them in earnest.