Come July 16th 2018, a new assessment question will be added to all entry assessments.
The question is as follows:
- Please choose the primary reason the client is in their current housing situation:
- Aging out of foster care
- Disagreement with family/roommate
- Discharge from hospital
- Discharge from jail/prison
- Discharge from mental health/substance abuse facility
- Divorce
- Eviction
- Experienced Human Trafficking
- Experiencing mental health issues
- Family or personal medical issues
- Fleeing domestic violence
- Fleeing human trafficking
- Insufficient income
- Loss of public assistance
- Natural disaster or fire
- Other (specify below)
- Substance use or abuse
- Voluntarily left rental unit
The purpose of this new assessment question is to begin to help inform our community's diversion efforts.
Data Quality and Timeline
There are no plans to track this question for the quarterly data quality assessments. Only new clients coming in after July 16th, 2017 should have this question answered, your current or past roster of clients do not need this question answered.