The purpose of this article is to communicate the service transactions that Employment and Income projects are required to record in HMIS.
AIRS Taxonomy: The Chicago CoC's HMIS uses AIRS codes to keep service transaction records consistent. To help match the services provided by each program, the table below explains each service and shows which Service Type and Need Outcome to choose. For more information on how to enter services, please see this article.
These service types will already be pre-set for each project according to their program component:
- Employment Navigation (EN)
- Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
- Benefits Acquisition (BA)
Projects providing Employment Navigation (EN) or Individual Placement and Support (IPS) are required to track services provided to participants after enrollment and completion of the entry assessment. Please refer to the table below which outlines the services you need to track. You are not required to track any services beyond those listed.
Employment Navigation or Individual Placement and Support will record:
- when they have initiated a type of service with a participant (Service Type)
- when the service is complete (Service Type)
- whether or not the participant met the goal represented by that service. (Need Outcome)
For example, if a navigator assists a participant with enrolling in a training program, they should initially enter the service as “Training and Employment Programs” and mark it as UNMET. Once they receive confirmation that the participant has completed the program, they will update that service to “Training and Employment Programs” MET.
- It is necessary for Employment Navigation or Individual Placement and Support programs to record the outcome of a service as UNMET or MET in order to reflect the specific work areas being completed by these program models.
- The one exception to this is the service Job Search/Placement because this service should only be recorded when it is met and the participant has obtained employment with navigator support.
*Please ensure that each service listed below is entered into the HMIS system within 2 business days of being provided to a participant.
Service Type | Program Component | Definition | Need Outcome | HMIS AIRS Code |
Mental Health | IPS | Referral to mental health services. |
Mental Health RR |
Mental Health | IPS | The participant has engaged in and attended treatment, counseling, etc. with the referred behavioral health provider. |
Mental Health RR |
Training and Employment Programs | EN, IPS | The participant has enrolled in or attended an employment related training or vocational program. Examples include employment preparation, industry specific training, community re-entry centers, career and technical education (CTE) programs, Tech prep education, Postsecondary vocational school, Apprenticeship programs, On-the-job training and Military training |
Training and Employment Programs ND-6500 |
Training and Employment Programs | EN, IPS | The participant has completed and/or received a certification for an employment related training or vocational program. Examples include employment preparation, industry specific training, community re-entry centers, career and technical education (CTE) programs, Tech prep education, Postsecondary vocational school, Apprenticeship programs, On-the-job training and Military training. Please include documentation to support completion of this program in the participant’s case file and HMIS client file (certification, registration, letter). |
Training and Employment Programs ND-6500 |
Adult Education | EN, IPS | The participant has been registered in and/or started attending an education program including GED preparation, English as a Second Language, or college/university courses. |
Adult Education HH-0500 |
Adult Education | EN, IPS | The participant has completed and/or received certification in an education program including GED preparation, English as a Second Language, or college/university courses. Please include documentation to support completion of this program in the participants case file and HMIS client file (certification, letter, registration). |
Adult Education HH-0500 |
Job Finding Assistance | EN |
The participant is being provided ongoing support in their job seeking process by the Employment Navigator. Services include resume building, digital literacy education, interview prep, job readiness training and providing interview clothes/supplies. |
Job Finding Assistance ND-3500 |
Job Finding Assistance | EN | Support for a participant’s job seeking process has been provided successfully and is concluded. Services that were successfully provided could include resume building, digital literacy education, interview prep, job readiness training and providing interview clothes/supplies. |
Job Finding Assistance ND-3500 |
Job Search/Placement | EN, IPS |
The participant has obtained employment through the support of the navigator or employment specialist. This includes if the participant was placed in a subsidized work experience program. Job Search/Placement is defined as the participant having started employment and has attended their first day on the job. Please include documentation of job placement such as offer letter, pay stub, etc. to be included in the participant’s case file and HMIS client file. |
Job Search/Placement ND-3500.3600 |