There are several changes applied in ServicePoint v5.13.4.
Below is a quick summary of the issues addressed in this release:
◼ Change to Current Living Situation Sub-assessment
◼ Resolved an issue with copying information from retried Outreach sub-assessment
◼ Change to Coordinated Entry Assessment Location picklist
◼ Resolved an issue with visibility of the picklist
◼ Change to ServicePoint Help Section
◼ Resolved an issue with accessing the Help section
◼ Change to Zip Code to Geography Type Mapping List
◼ Updated mapping list with HUD 2020 changes
◼ Exports
◼ HUD XML Export
◼ Updated with changes in HUD 2020 export specifications
◼ Reports
◼ Resolved issue with Questions 7b, 8b and 22c
◼ Resolved issue with export of Questions 10a, 10b and 10c
◼ Resolved issue with Question 22e
◼ Resolved issue with Questions 8b and 22c
◼ Resolved issue with export of Questions 10a, 10b and 10c
◼ Resolved issue with Question 22e
◼ ReportWriter
◼ Resolved an issue with using deleted users as filters
◼ More detailed information is listed below.
Resolved an issue with copying information from retired Outreach sub-assessment
WellSky resolved an issue with the migration of data from the retired Outreach sub-assessment to the new Current Living Situation sub-assessment. We copied over some missing information to resolve an issue with using this sub-assessment in question 6f of the CoC APR/ESG CAPER.
Resolved an issue with visibility of the picklist
WellSky resolved an issue with the visibility of the “Coordinated Entry Assessment Location” picklist. The picklist is now visible to System Admin 1 and System Admin 2 users in Picklist Admin. This allows the community to maintain the contents of this picklist.
Resolved an issue with accessing the help section
WellSky resolved an issue with accessing the help section of ServicePoint. Please note the help section utilizes a pop-up window so you will need to add your ServicePoint URL to the list of safe URL’s in order for the pop-up window to appear on your screen.
Updated mapping list with HUD 2020 changes
WellSky updated the mapping list used to map Zip Code to Geography Type for providers in the CoC Code section of Provider Admin. HUD did not provide vendors with instructions for mapping the old values to the new values. Below is the list of changes so that you can update your existing providers:
• 2 new zip codes added
o 60418
o 96860
• 68 zip codes removed
o "05544", "08644", "17012", "21280", "21288", "41065", "46197", "46210", "46211", "46274", "46275", "46291", "46296", "47261", "47439", "47830", "47984", "53778", "53779", "54010", "54182", "54432", "54434", "54439", "54640", "54818", "54834", "54934", "55002", "55172", "55187", "55188", "55348", "55380", "55473", "55550", "55553", "55570", "55571", "55574", "55576", "55578", "55579", "55594", "55595", "55596", "55597", "55598", "56430", "60001", "60209", "62247", "62435", "62855", "62971", "63938", "66759", "78769", "80944", "84136", "84189", "85025", "85098", "85662", "94286", "36515", "56682", "63464"
• 99 Zip Codes Had Mapping Changed
o The below codes are now Urban:
o "14694", "21742", "30322", "33482", "33906", "33911", "38125", "40041", "40201", "40202", "40203", "40204", "40205", "40206", "40208", "40209", "40210", "40211", "40212", "40213", "40214", "40215", "40217", "40220", "40221", "40231", "40232", "40233", "40250", "40251", "40255", "40261", "40270", "40280", "40285", "40287", "40290", "40292", "40293", "40294", "40295", "40297", "42223", "43109", "45854", "68116", "68135", "71913", "77268", "78746", "80308", "90809", "95351"
o The below codes are now Suburban:
o "03042", "06383", "15032", "15934", "18230", "19481", "19482", "23691", "25202", "25866","31333", "31647", "47104", "61043", "64151", "64855", "66630", "70786", "78115", "80819", "87193", "98622"
o The below codes are now Rural:
o "02878", "02891", "02896", "03874", "03878", "06389", "06408", "06411", "10573", "12069", "18471","26750","30741", "33574","36008", "38632", "48177", "53047", "53119", "63049", "63129", "66086", "84733", "98222"
HUD XML Export
Updated with changes in HUD 2020 export specifications
WellSky updated the HUD XML export with the changes made by HUD in the 2020 XML export specifications.
Resolved issue with Questions 7b, 8b and 22c
WellSky resolved an issue where a client could have more than one Housing Move-In Date recorded during a reporting period due to multiple Entry/Exits. This issue has been resolved and now it will only pull in the recorded Housing Move-In Date if it falls between the Project Start Date and Entry Exit Exit Date for the included Entry/Exit. This affects questions 7b, 8b and 22c which use this question. WellSky also resolved an issue in question 7b related to how non-heads of household were counted in the question when Housing Move-In Date affected their inclusion in the count.
Resolved issue with Questions 10a, 10b and 10c
WellSky in a previous updated modified the order of a couple of rows of Questions 10a, 10b and 10c to match the information in Sage even though it didn’t match the HUD report specifications. HUD recently updated Sage to match their report specifications. In this update WellSky updated these questions again in the export to match what now appears in Sage. The affected rows were “Trans Female (MTF or Male to Female)” and “Trans Male (FTM or Female to Male)”.
Resolved issue with Question 22e
WellSky resolved an issue with Question 22e. Household members that are not marked as head of household will be counted in the same area of the report as the accompanying head of household.
Resolved issue with Questions 8b and 22c
WellSky resolved an issue where a client could have more than one Housing Move-In Date recorded during a reporting period due to multiple Entry/Exits. This issue has been resolved and now it will only pull in the recorded Housing Move-In Date if it falls between the Project Start Date and Entry Exit Exit Date for the included Entry/Exit. This affects questions 8b and 22c which use this question.
Resolved issue with Questions 10a, 10b and 10c
WellSky in a previous updated modified the order of a couple of rows of Questions 10a, 10b and 10c to match the information in Sage even though it didn’t match the HUD report specifications. HUD recently updated Sage to match their report specifications. In this update WellSky updated these questions again in the export to match what now appears in Sage. The affected rows were “Trans Female (MTF or Male to Female)” and “Trans Male (FTM or Female to Male)”.
Resolved issue with Question 22e
WellSky resolved an issue with Question 22e. Household members that are not marked as head of household will be counted in the same area of the report as the accompanying head of household.
Resolved an issue with using deleted users as filters
WellSky resolved an issue in ReportWriter where a user would create a filter using a deleted user but then when they viewed the results it would generate an error message.