This article outlines the workflow for documenting clients who receive HUD VASH vouchers in HMIS. This guide will detail the steps involved in the HMIS for the 1303 Jesse Brown VA Medical Center—HUD VASH Program. The enrollment process will include how to enroll a client, add a housing move-in date, and complete the exit process. It's important to note that all client enrollments must include a housing move-in date to indicate that the client is housed since this project falls under PSH.
A client can be entered into the HUD VASH Program at the 1303 Jesse Brown VA Medical Center through the Entry/Exit tab in HMIS. To begin, click on Add Entry/Exit.
The upcoming screen will prompt you to select a Provider from the drop-down menu. Ensure that you always choose "1303 Jesse Brown VA Medical Center—HUD VASH Program". The Type must always be set to "VA" to ensure that the assessments appear on the next screen. If you select any other type, no assessments will be displayed.
The next screen that will be seen is the client assessment. The assessment displayed is the "HUD CoC & ESG Entry All Other Projects". This assessment will need to be completed for the client. For the purposes of ensuring data is available for enrollments, 1474 CE- Skilled Assessors Project data is shared with 1303 Jesse Brown VA Medical Center—HUD VASH Program. Ensure that all required questions (bolded) have a valid answer. If an answer is no longer valid, update it to what is accurate. Ideally, most information in the assessment should already be prepopulated from CE. Once verified that all required questions are answered click Save and Exit.
Updating Housing Move-in Date
All clients must have a Housing Move-in Date added to their enrollment to indicate that they are housed. This can only be done by creating an Interim Update which can be found in the Entry/Exit tab of the client profile.
The following screen will allow you to choose the type of Interim being created. This should always be set as Update: Housing Move-in Date.
Once done you will be able to complete the Housing Move-in Date and Client Housing Location questions at the top of the HUD CoC & ESG Update assessment. The Housing Move-in Date should always be on or after the Enrollment date. Since this will be an ongoing subsidy "Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy" should be selected. If there are no additional assessment updates, then click Save and Exit at the bottom of the page.
Exiting an Enrollment
To Exit a client from the project, navigate to the pencil next to the Exit date field on the Entry/Exit tab.
Next, you will need to select the Destination for the client. In most cases, this should be "Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy". When this is selected a conditional question will populate asking for the Rental Subsidy Type. This will always be "VASH housing subsidy". Once added click Save.
The exit assessment will now populate, which will contain all the information available at Entry unless changed during the time of enrollment. Unless any information changed or needs to be updated, click Save at the bottom of the page.