The Unsheltered Homelessness Initiative (UHI) aims to drive collaboration and coordination of outreach, housing, and support services across the Chicago Continuum of Care (CoC) to improve outcomes for individuals and families experiencing unsheltered homelessness. The UHI is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Special NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) to Address Unsheltered Homelessness. The CoC will receive $57 million over 3 years and fund 20 projects.
Following the disbursement of Special NOFO funding, HUD issued guidance to all CoC’s currently using a COVID Community Prioritization (including Chicago) to ensure that vulnerable unsheltered individuals were being prioritized for housing. HUD recommended developing an unsheltered specific prioritization be developed. In late 2023, the Coordinated Entry Leadership Team began developing the UHI Prioritization. The UHI Prioritization will assess individuals across several key areas which may indicate a return to homelessness or increased service needs when transitioning to housing.
The UHI Prioritization will evaluate individuals and families currently living in places not meant for human habitation.
- The whole household will remain eligible for UHI resources for 12 months based on their Head of Household’s Current Living Situation.
- Heads of households that move into sheltered locations within those 12 months will remain eligible for UHI resources
- Participants that fall under the Category 4 homeless criteria must include the above criteria.
- Chronicity is not required for UHI PSH projects.
- Documentation that may satisfy UHI eligibility:
- Homeless letter
- Verification of Disability (VOD) for PSH
Unsheltered Situations
Unsheltered heads of household are eligible for UHI resources. In the HMIS, this will be indicated in their Current Living Situation as “Place not meant for Habitation.”
HUD defines this as “a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.” Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Car
- Park
- Abandoned Buildings
- Public transportation/station
Impact on Current Community Prioritization
The UHI Prioritization will exist as a separate assessment alongside the existing Community Prioritization.
- The UHI Prioritization score will be replacing the COVID high risk indicator for participants who are unsheltered.
- The existing COVID High-Risk indicator will continue to be in use for participants not eligible for UHI resources.