The Continuum of Care Annual Performance Report (CoC-APR) is a report designed for users to upload to Sage.
Running the Report
In order to run the CoC-APR, go to the Reports tab and select the CoC-APR.
The next screen will present you with a series of prompts:
- Provider Type
- Provider
- Program Date Range
- Entry Exit Types
Provider Type
This prompt will almost always be "Provider". The only instance in which you would be using a "Reporting Group" is if you had requested the HMIS team to create a reporting group for a group of your agencies (IE. If your project is split into different buildings/neighborhoods but is funded by the same source).
You will need to select a specific project of yours.
Program Date Range
The program date range can have anything input for it. The three icons to the right of each set of boxes do the following (from left to right):
- Opens up a calendar for you to select the date from
- Clears out the values
- Automatically inputs today's date
Entry/Exit Types
This will almost always be HUD.
If you are specifically funded to work with veterans or runaway homeless youth, you will choose the appropriate Entry/Exit Type.
Build Report
Once you have answered all prompts, click "Build Report to run the report.
Download Report
After the report has been run, you may also download the report.
Sections of the APR
The APR is quite comprehensive. You will notice that the report may seem long, however, much of the information gets specialized to Youth and Veterans towards the end, which is relevant to your program only if you work with that population.