The Point in Time Count is currently set to take place on January 23, 2025.
During the 2024 Point In Time (PIT) count, we made changes to the overall data collection process in HMIS. For the 2025 count, we will continue using client project enrollments (Entry/Exit) for Emergency Shelter (Entry/Exit), Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven project types to generate the count for the PIT date. This approach has replaced the previous method of using the Shelters (ShelterPoint) unit list.
For Emergency Shelter - Night By Night projects, clients must still have an Enrollment and a Shelters (ShelterPoint) service, following the same process as in previous years.
A webinar was held on December 14, 2023 that details the changes made in the data collection for emergency shelter projects:
Preparing for the PIT Count
The HMIS team will be hosting a webinar on December 12th, 2024 to go over the process for Emergency Shelters and also how providers can review their data now to ensure accurate data for the night of the count.
2025 Point In Time - Emergency Shelter Overview - December 12th, 2024 12 pm Noon
A follow-up webinar will be scheduled to cover the 2025 Point In Time count for All Project Types.