The Point in Time Count will take place on January 25, 2024.
For the 2024 Point In Time count, we have made a few changes to the overall process and how data will be captured from HMIS. These changes were made this year with the intent to improve the accuracy and provide providers access to their project data the day after the PIT (1/26). This year we will be utilizing the client project enrollments (Entry/Exit) for Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit, Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven project types to generate the count for the PIT night. This would replace utilizing the ShelterPoint unit list for this count. Emergency Shelter - Night By Night projects will follow the same process as in previous years.
The purpose of this article is to ensure Emergency Shelters are aligned with the new HUD data expectations in preparation for the 2024 Point in Time in January.
A webinar was held on December 14, 2023 that details the changes made in the data collection for emergency shelter projects: